Welcome Moreland Hills 5th Graders!

This blog is dedicated to sharing our thoughts about the books we read and love. All of the fifth grade students and teachers will be able to see the content and information posted. Keep in mind that there are some ground rules that we all need to follow.

This website will be a lot of fun. This is a great way to communicate with each other at all times. We will share thoughts on books, recommendations, and show are strong thinking as readers.

We look forward to having an engaging and fun time!

The 5th grade teachers

Blog Guidelines

1) This blog is for discussions about literacy and books.
2) All comments have to be approved by the teachers-make sure that what you are writing is appropriate for school.
3) Book recommendations, topics, discussion threads, and comments will be both teacher and student driven.
4) We all have our opinions on books-it is fine to disagree with an opinion or comment.
5) Disagreeing is different than disrespectful. Treat everyone and every comment with courtesy and respect.
6) Grading-students that write recommendations and give substantive comments will be able to use their blog entries as a replacement for a journal entry from that week.
7) Names-students will have the option to use their own name or post anonymously.
8) All discussion threads/topics/themes will be teacher monitored.
9) Students will post and comment on book recommendations for each other that they think highly enough of to share with the class.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fablehaven-The Series

Attention fantasy readers! Have any of you read the Fablehaven series? If not, get ready for a mind blowing book review! Fablehaven is about twins that spend a week with their grandparents. They find out that their grandparents are keeping a secret from them, the are the caretakers of a magical forest called Fablehaven! The forest thrives of magical creatures that live there. There are many dangers in Fablehaven as the twins Seth and Kendra will find. Bahumat is an evil demon that tries to slow down Seth, Kendra and their two grandparents from finding the five keys to the demon prison. The Evening Star Society is a group of people that are also in pursuit of the five keys. The books lead the Sorensons and their friends in a race against time and creatures of all shapes and sizes imaginable. The fifth book s yet to come, but if you haven't considered Fablehaven yet, consider it now.




legodude!! said...

I know you really want a comment,so here it is!Fablehaven is a great book even though I am only on page 18. So far its about these 2 kids,Seth and Kendra whose parents are going on a cruise and they are going to their grandparents home.I recommend it to anyone. Have fun reading!

texas12 said...

you missed spelled is!!

Texas 12

legodude!! said...

I am on the 3rd book!!!!!(the best)